Meteorology is the study of the processes in the Earth's atmosphere that cause particular weather conditions, especially in order to predict the weather.

Egal International Airport MET Office provides aviation weather services to contribute to safety improvement,
regularity, and efficiency of air navigation. Since weather makes a significant impact on flight operations and planning.

 Egal International Airport MET Office tasks including meteorological service for operators and pilots,
meteorological information for air traffic, search and rescue and aeronautical information services,

aerodrome meteorological observations. These conditions include the wind’s direction and speed, cloud cover, visibility, and precipitation.


Main Objectives Meteorological Service in Egal International Airport

The objective of an aviation meteorological service is the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation by the provision of timely and accurate weather information.

  • Enhance the observation system and establish and regulate the national database of meteorology climate, rainfall and other meteorology related information to meet the needs of present and future generations.
  • Protecting national interests at the international level and to promote the understanding and advancement of meteorological and climatologically sciences in
  • Improve the metrological, climatologically and geophysical service system.
  • Strengthen National multi hazard early warning, alert systems and extend reach to better enable effective response to the associated risks
  • Broaden the provision of policy and decision supporting climate information and services
  • Improve and increase access to, exchange and management of current and past earth system observation data and derived products through the ICAO information System
  • Enable access and use of numerical analysis and prediction products at all temporal and spatial scales from the ICAO seamless Global Data Processing and Forecast System


Service Provided:

  • Keep on timely working
  • Daily meteorology reporting
  • Analyzing meteorology data
  • Special meteorology reporting
  • Monitoring automatic weather system


- These services are provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents: