Message from the Genaral Manager

As General manager of Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority ( CAAA ) it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website, which is part of Somalilland government portal which is developed by the Ministry of telecommunication and Technology. This website is designed to serve as the direct communication tool between the Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority ( CAAA ) and its citizens especially passengers using Somalilland airports which will get important information about Somaliland airports, and the services they provide and the airlines that operate in the country .
The visitor will also get information that has a direct bearing on the CAAA'S departments, functions and top management information and contact details.
CAAA's has the lead responsibility in the Government of Somaliland for developing and preparing Somaliland airports to be competitive and become international and regional hub for passengers and cargo.

Thank you.

Omar Abdilahi Aden
General Manager for Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority.




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